Boris Duhm
Artist Statement
In staged photography, paintings, collages, sculptures, installations and performances, the artist Boris Duhm (* 1971) abducts the viewer into an imaginary wold of images. Hermetically terminated natural spaces turn to dramatic stages on which human mental deformations are performed. Like under a burning glass, different layers intensify into a distorted picture of society. Especially the media painting and photography are tools for the artist for creating collective places of memory. Hereby the „place“ shall be understood figuratively: it describes every viewer´s personal memories. In this way, the Boris crystallizes those (inner) landscapes from his personal biography, which have a social and finally political pertinence and he combines them to enigmatic and dream-like stagings.
The artist constantly tries to enhance his imagery horizon and transfers his aesthetic practice also into threedimensional space. In sculpture, (kinetic) room installations and wall objects he directly and in metaphors demonstrates a critical and poetic view onto the world.
In his latest series of paintings Mind Map Boris analyses the process of art creation itself: the artist becomes a medium of the colour which autonomously disperses, flows or interferes and finally creates random configurations and nets. The viewer creates the visual narrative herself / himself. The author of the artwork are the colours and substances, behaving in passing time and on the defined surface. The artist limits his painting-intervention to a minimum of gestural use of materials.
The artist has been teaching fine arts at the Moholy Nagy University of Arts Budapest as well as at art schools in Sweden, Finland and Armenia.
He is represented by numerous international museums, galleries as well as public and private collections and has had many solo and group exhibitions thoughout more than two decades.